Saturday, March 30, 2013

Will escapes

Penny and Chelan, our foster of last summer, are both diggers. At one point they were both excavating along the fence almost daily. Penny got under one day but didn't go anywhere, just rolled in something stinky on the other side. It's pretty good digging around here as in the old days Marysville was a giant cow lot and strawberry fields. No rocks anywhere for about 18 inches down. So late last summer I began installing a strip of concrete along the fence so the dogs couldn't dig under, or at least it would be very difficult. I got a late start and didn't quite finish up the last 12 feet or so and haven't been motivated by the weather yet to finsh up.

Chelan has been adopted and is now digging in Portland OR. Anyway, today Penny decided to resume her mining efforts. She was able to dig a big enough hole that mister busy body, Will, got under the fence. We don't know how long he was out but when Rickie went out the front door to vacuum the car, there he was standing in the drive way wagging his tail. We live on a very busy road and it's lucky he didn't go to the street.

So I was wondering what to do tomorrow after the Easter egg hunt, now I can spend a few hours making concrete.


  1. OMG that little stinker! I bet you were so surprised and worried when you saw him in the driveway! Oskar did the same thing to us, twice! Gave us the scare of our life. Little buggers. The blog is great you guys, keep it up!

  2. Oh my gosh, my heart raced reading this! Having a dog get loose is one of the scariest moments I've experienced. So glad he is safe! Will you little son of a gun, if you get lost you will bring down TWO sets of foster parents on that bony little behind, and you don't want that!


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